In 2007 I began making presentations and giving hands-on workshops for classroom and e-learning educators in Canada, the US, and Australia. My approach is to:

  • be hands-on whenever & wherever possible.
  • minimize barriers to participation -- I share resource files by passing around thumb drives and provide login information to over 35 different websites so participants can explore without having to open accounts.
  • match the tool to the individual -- have many different tools that will accomplish similar tasks.
  • connect participants so they share ideas and skills -- reseat people in interest groups. 
  • reward learning. (If you ask, I'll share the secret.)
I've even taken extra laptops to BYOL workshops because I know that some people come without and I don't want them to be sidelined.


It is my wish that the educators with whom I work will be inspired to use their “creating” minds when developing learning experiences for their students. Seeing instructional experiences through our learners’ eyes, using a great tool to put a new spin on an old lesson, involving the students in active learning which addresses their individual needs, and leading by learning -- these are the educational best practices I believe should be embraced by 21st century teachers.


Small Changes; Big Returns:  For classroom and online instructors -- give a lesson a makeover by incorporating easy-to-use Web 2.0 tools and resources. 

Image is linked toK-12 tools wiki. 

Math-4-Keeps: Math educators tend to be late adopters of common digital tools because they do not feel these ‘have a place’ in math class. The examples and strategies provided demonstrate why and how to bring 21st century teaching and learning practices into math class. 

Link to wiki

 Image is linked to presentation website.

Make Your First Video: Use inexpensive or free software and copyright friendly  media to create videosto enrich instruction and provide students alternative ways to demonstrate learning. 

Voicethread: A how-to workshop -- this tool lends itself especially well to promoting dialogue in online courses as well as in learning activities with the goal of  improving language skills.

Math Moodle Week: This was a one week online, international unconference sponsored by BC’s Community of Expertise in Educational Technology (CEET) in February, 2010. I created the ‘course’ and co-moderated the event.


[Note: The heading covered by the corporate banner in the poster below reads: A "creating' vs a creative mind." Link to original]

